2019/10/12(SAT) - 2019/10/22(TUE)の11日間、Helinox (ヘリノックス) が創業10周年を記念して数量限定アイテムを販売するPOP UP STOTRE をLINE-UP STOREにて開催しております。
At the LINE-UP STORE, Helinox is having a POP UP STOTRE that sell a limited number of items in commemoration of the 10th anniversary of the founding in 11 days from 2019/10/12 (SAT) to 2019/10/22 (TUE) .

今回のPOP UP STOREでは、10周年を記念した限定モデルに加え、なんと、Hilleberg・Nanga・Montbell・HalfTrackProducts・GoreTexなど数々の人気ブランド様とコラボレーションし、テントやチェア、テーブルと言った記念商品が約30種類販売されております!
そして、Hillebergが他ブランド様とコラボレーションするのは今回初です!Hilleberg × Helinox のコップの素材は元々病院で使われていたもので、その耐久性や軽さからアウトドア用にも使われるようになったそうです。ちょっとした豆知識を知ってからPOP UP STOREへ行くとまた違った見方が出来てより面白そうです^^
This POP UP STORE collaborates with limited edition models commemorating the 10th anniversary and popular brands such as Hilleberg, Nanga, Montbell, HalfTrackProducts, and GoreTex. About 30 kinds of commemorative items such as tents, chairs and tables are on sale!
This is the first time Hilleberg has collaborated with other brands!
Hilleberg × Helinox cup material was originally used in hospitals, and because of its durability and lightness, it is now used for outdoor use. We hope you can enjoy the pop-up store even more by knowing the beans!
Lamp Shadeはフラッシュをたいて撮影すると反射板がオーロラに見える仕組みです。店頭にお越しの際は、ぜひお試し下さい^^
Lamp Shade is a mechanism that makes the reflector look like an aurora when shooting with a flash. Please try it when you come to the store^^
左(left):BEFORE 右(right):AFTER
さらに、今回のコラボは各ブランドが商品を製作の為、これまでには無い新しいアイテムカテゴリーが多数ラインナップしており、従来の形式とはひと味違ったスペシャルなPOP UP STOREとなっております!
そのため、POP UP前日から台風直撃にも関わらずたくさんのお客様が並んでおられ、中にはこの日の為に地方から来られたお客様もいらして、初日から大盛況でした!
もうすでにSOLD OUTの商品も多数ある為、皆様是非ご友人とお誘い合いの上ご来店くださいませ。
In this collaboration, each brand has a lot of new items for product production so it's special POP UP STORE that is a bit different from the traditional format!
Therefore, a lot of customers were lined up from the day before POP UP despite direct typhoon hits, and some customers came from far away for this day, and it was a great success from the first day!
There are already many SOLD OUT products!
Please come and visit us with youra friends.
Surely you should be able to meet good products ^^
開催期間:10/12(SAT) - 2019/10/23(WED) 時間:10:00~20:00(最終日の23日は10:00~17:00まで
Date: 10/12 (SAT)-2019/10/23 (WED) Time: From 10:00 to 20:00 (on the 23rd of the last day from 10:00 to 17:00)
■ "Helinox" A brand that designs innovative chairs and other products that combine high strength, lightness and extraordinary portability. It has the light weight that can be carried anywhere and the comfort that can be used all day long, and continues to lead the evolution of outdoor furniture with its excellent design.
POP UP STOREやイベント最新情報を発信しております。
会場:LINE-UP STORE 大阪市西区南堀江1-5-8 セイワ南堀江 リバーレジデンスWEST 1F お問い合わせ:popupstore@lineup-inc.com