5/17 (金)にWeWork Namba SkyOにて Arrival Partyが開催され、LINE-UP社ではウィスキー事業である【太太 TEI Whisky】のハイボール限定ブースを出展いたしました!
Arrival party was held at WeWork Namba SkyO on 5/17 (Fri), and LINE-UP exhibited a whisky and soda booth of 【太太 TEI Whisky】 which is a whiskey project!

At the party, in addition to music at the DJ booth and content such as photo booths by professional photographers, catering such as Japanese food, Japanese sweets and plum kelp tea was also performed, and more than 200 guests came!
TEI Whiksyのハイボールブースへお越し頂きました皆様ありがとうございました!
次回はバンコクでのTEI Whiskyイベントが5/31に開催されますので
Thank you very much for visiting the whisky and soda booth at TEI Whisky ! Next time there will be a TEI Whisky event in Bangkok on 5/31 We will continue to update the state of the event on the blog!

住所:大阪市中央区難波5-1-60 WeWorkなんばスカイオ 27F
POP UP STORE事業:https://www.lineup-inc.com/popupstore